Book publication on Zeeland Heerlijkheden

From power to folklore (3) Heerlijkheden in Zeeland after the French Period This year, Picture Publishers will publish the third book by Peter de Jong on Heerlijkheden. One ...Lees verder

Exhibition Salomon Mesdach

In its successful ‘Zeeland Masters from the Golden Age’ series, Stadhuismuseum Zierikzee is now organising its seventh temporary exhibition. The first exhibition had an introductory character and, together ...Lees verder

Music competition for Zeeland Youth 2024

On Saturday 30 November, the final of the 16th Music Competition for the youth of Zeeland took place in the Zeeland Concert Hall in Middelburg. With some 170 ...Lees verder

Three women and their extraordinary past

Vlissingen-based Valreep and Amsterdam-based Prospektor join forces just this once and present the surprising programme: Three women and their extraordinary past The seashell Before the break, we see ...Lees verder

(Un)quiet in the polder

In 2022, Gino Anthonisse and Janne van Gilst moved from The Hague to Kamperland to take over the family farm Catharina Maria Hof. The artists have the ambitious ...Lees verder

Update 5 restoration mausoleum

Following the update of July 17, the secretariat received another email on December 5 from Rien de Graaf, churchwarden of the Reformed Church in Stavenisse. The following is ...Lees verder

Westkapelle liberation commemoration

On November 1, it was exactly 80 years since Westkapelle was liberated. That was not a festive occasion, on the contrary. 157 civilian casualties, 172 military casualties, a ...Lees verder

Book ‘Masterpieces of the Scheldt and the Seine’

On November 1, a book by Oscar Garschagen and Anja de Groene entitled ‘Masterpieces of the Scheldt and the Seine’ was published by De Vrije Uitgevers. It describes ...Lees verder

Book ‘Toon’s pram’

In cooperation with the Liberation Museum, publisher Het Paard van Troje has published a children’s book about the Battle of the Scheldt. Gerard Verkuil (author of several children’s ...Lees verder

Documentary ‘Heroes of Burghsluis’

The idea for this documentary arose a few months ago when Wim van de Sluis from Lewedorp called filmmaker Joska Zinkweg. Wim is a Van der Klooster, a ...Lees verder

Restoration of Van Vulpen Organ ‘t Kerkje van Ellesdiek

The Dutch Reformed Church of Ellewoutsdijk dates back to the 15th century. In World War II, during the Battle of the Scheldt, it was thoroughly destroyed. In 1950, ...Lees verder

Upper skin man, the biography of Hans Warren

‘Mario Molegraaf has completed his long-awaited biography of the man with whom he shared his life. An unusual undertaking: a biography like any other, with all the accompanying ...Lees verder