Familiefonds Hurgronje

sinds 1767

 Postbus 137, 4330 AC Middelburg


History of the Hurgronje Family Fund

The Hurgronje Family Fund was established in Vlissingen by notarial deed on February 3rd 1767 by a number of grandchildren of the couple Isaac Hurgronje (1652 – 1706) and his wife Josina Phoenix (1663 – 1711). The initial capital came from two legacies of the deceased sons of this couple. Since its inception the objective of the fund has been the provision of financial support to descendants of the Hurgronje – Phoenix couple in need of help, and to support charitable causes, in particular in the province of Zeeland.

Portret Isaac Hurgronje

Isaac Hurgronje

The Family Fund also manages a separate legacy from a family member from Heinkenszand, who determined that “young daughters from Heinkenszand” who get married in the local protestant church will be eligible to receive a financial award. Appeals are still regularly made to this separate fund.

In 2017, the Fund celebrated its 250th anniversary with a festive gathering.

The fund is managed by the “administrators”, one of whom is in charge as “acting administrator”, an annually rotating function. Approximately 700 known family members have joined. The annual family meeting, which is usually attended by approximately 80 family members, is held in the second week of January in Vlissingen or Middelburg, because the original couple was married on January 9th 1680 in Vlissingen. The members attending the annual meeting decide who should receive the the fund’s support for the coming year and which charitable orgainsations should be sponsored.

Portret Josina Phoenix

Josina Phoenix

Recent articles

Stay tuned to the activities of the Hurgronje Family Fund.


Supported projects

The book “Diekwerker tot Redder” on the history of the Westkapelle station of the Royal Dutch Rescue Society was presented at the National Lifeboat Day on May 25, 2024. Our

Genesis is published by ‘t Kerkje van Ellesdiek and Het Paard van Troje. The book costs €15 and is on sale in bookshops, and via the foundation’s website. Foundation ‘t

On March 2, the Scratch Messiah Zeeland was performed for the 23rd time in the St. Jacobskerk in Vlissingen. A scratch performance means that the work is rehearsed and performed