Hoogtij Festival

1 February 2022

Get surprised! / Groede full of classical music

In June, when the sun is high in the sky, classical music reigns supreme in Groede during the event of the same name (at least in Dutch) that shouldn’t be absent from your music calendar: the Hoogtij festival. Creating new memories in a picturesque Zeeland setting, that’s what this first edition is all about. Groede is entirely dedicated to classical music and the whole village participates. You will automatically be drawn into the festival activities: the singers on the market square will sing to you and accompany you to overwhelming musical experiences in the Grote Kerk (“Big Church”). At the bakery, it is not only the fresh croissant that beckons, but also the sounds of the violoncello. Whether young or old, an aficionado or a first-time visitor: everyone is welcome. The true aficionado has known it for a long time: classical music is an experience, and that is exactly what this festival stands for.

The Hoogtij festival is for anyone who is looking to be surprised. Are you curious about classical music, but are you not very familiar with it yet? Expect a unique introduction that will provide you with long-lasting enjoyment. And if you are familiar with the world of classical music, the festival will stimulate your senses just as much. You can dance your way through the streets, or sit back and relax at the various concert venues. Surprising combinations melt together: local music companies are inspired by professional musicians. The streets of Groede are filled not only with music but also with visual art, poetry and other experiences.

So enter the village, be welcomed by the residents of Groede and let the classical sounds take you on a musical journey through the streets of Zeeland. No matter if you just want to watch or buy a ticket for one of the concerts, there is something for everyone.

Coming together, enjoying high quality classical music and the picturesque village of Groede. The village of Groede opens up to everyone who wants to be surprised. Are you ready to be surprised?

Website: www.hoogtijfestival.nl

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