Summer evening concerts in Oostkapelle

17 June 2024

In 1980, the committee “Summer evening concerts – Reformed Congregation and Reformed Church Oostkapelle” was formed, with the aim of organising classical concerts on Wednesday evenings in the Dorpskerk (village church) in Oostkapelle. Chairwoman of this committee was Mieke Maljaars – Wondergem. Thanks to her enthusiastic leadership, these concerts immediately became a great success.

Many musicians from Zeeland performed: Leen de Broekert, Ferenc Hutijra, Jos Vogel, Marianne de Boer, Rien Balkenende, Manon Meijs, Bea Zwadlo, Saskia Gerritsen, Jacco and Manuela Simons, Ineke de Vente, Marijke Poppe, Anne-Marie de Beer, Marja Smet, Jolanda Dekkers, Martijn Kooiman and Igor and Svyatoslav Presnyakov. Later, artists from outside the province also followed, always meeting the highest artistic standards.

It was tradition to discuss the evening after each concert at Mieke’s home, usually with the musicians. On that occasion, the all-important collection money was also counted; after all, no entrance fee was charged. However, the artists and the lease of the grand piano had to be paid! Thanks to additional subsidies from V.V.V. and Gemeente Veere, these obligations could be met. Since the discontinuation of these subsidies, generous sponsors and the increasing number of visitors ensure continuity.

In 2000, the committee changed its name to “Stichting Oostkapelle Cultureel” (S.O.C.).
In 2003, Mieke Maljaars – Wondergem handed over her duties to the current board consisting of Titia Bosch van Rosenthal, Henny Verkerke, Heleen Grootenhuis, Greet Ram, Axel Boey and honorary member Riet Wiltenburg.

The programme for 2024 is as follows:

10 July: Duo Haverkate – Kappeyne
Sebastiaan Haverkate –trumpet
Floris Kappeyne – piano
17 July: Vivezza trio
Angelique Heemsbergen – piano
Inger van Vliet – violin
Nicole van Jaarsveld – clarinet
24 July: Trio Rusanovsky
Arthur – violin
Leon – guitar – viola – piano
Julia – violin
31 July: Que Noche
Rein de Vos – bandeon
Jopie Jonkers – harp/vocals
7 Aug: Theano
Astrid Wauters – cello
Marian Minnen – cello
14 Aug: Duo Coppoolse – Bossier
Cor Coppoolse – cello
Irene Bossier – violin

The concerts all take place in the Dorpskerk in Oostkapelle. They start at 20:00 and last until around 21:30. There is no fixed entrance fee, but a voluntary contribution in accordance with personal means is requested.

These concerts are made possible thanks to a financial contribution from the Hurgronje Family Fund.

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