Three books published with the financial aid of the Family Fund

14 August 2020

Partly thanks to a financial contribution from the Family Fund, 3 books have recently been published that the Administrators would like to bring to the attention.

‘Zeeuwse regenten in Parijs’ by Irene Storm van Leeuwen-van der Horst
After the publication of the Reisjournaal naar Engeland (Reislustige Zeeuwse regenten, 2017), Irene Storm van Leeuwen-van der Horst, librarian of castle Duivenvoorde, investigated the Reisjournaal naar Parijs. In her latest book she talks about the journey that the Zeeland regent and admiral Johan Steengracht made to Paris in 1722 with his son Nicolaas and his friend Daniel Radermacher, admirer of Voltaire.

During the day, the company visited many city palaces and country estates. In the evenings they were often to be found in theaters and amusement parks. Father Steengracht introduced his recently graduated son to French culture and introduced him to the world of diplomacy. The three travelers did not hide their criticism of the French king.

In addition to a transcription of the text, this book includes all the engravings, as well as an after-telling and an introduction to historical backgrounds.
ISBN: 9789087048389

‘Cristóbal de Mondragón, de goede Spanjaard’ by Raymond Fagel
Raymond Fagel, university lecturer in General History, researched the Spanish commander Mondragon who spared Zierikzee during the 80-year war and is considered ‘the good Spaniard’.

Mondragon and his troops managed to break all resistance on Duiveland and Schouwen, but Zierikzee defended itself to the utmost. Because Schouwen was flooded, the Spanish troops were unable to shoot at the city from close range and all that remained was to shut Zierikzee off from the outside world and starve it to death. Despite Prince William of Orange’s attempts to relieve the city, this tactic was ultimately successful.

The publication contains exceptionally beautiful illustrations. The book has been specially published for the exhibition by the same name, which can be seen in the Town Hall Museum in Zierikzee until 22 November.
ISBN 9789492583109

‘Wacherse ketens, de trans-Atlantische slavenhandel en de economie van Walcheren 1755-1780’ by Gerhard de Kok
The Dutch participation in the transatlantic slave trade unleashes a lot of tongues. One question that recurs regularly: what influence did this human trafficking have on the Dutch economy?

This book focuses on Walcheren in Zeeland in the second half of the eighteenth century. Vlissingen and Middelburg were at the time the most important slave trading cities in the Netherlands. Between 1730 and 1800, about 500 slave ships left one of the two cities, loaded with valuable export goods to trade against humans in West Africa.

In this book Gerhard de Kok discusses the trading offices that took part in the transatlantic slave trade. He investigates the slave traders, the investors and the activities involved in the running of slave ships. De Kok arrives at new and startling conclusions about the local impact of this trade sector. He also shows how Walcheren could grow into the most important center of the slave trade in the Netherlands.
ISBN 9789462494657

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