The youth project of the Royal Zeeland Science Society is gaining momentum thanks to support from the Hurgronje Family Fund

10 December 2021

Since 2019, the Hurgronje Family Fund supports the youth activities of the Zeeuws Genootschap. In return, members of the fund can apply for membership.

The Zeeuws Genootschap was founded in 1769. A rock in a stormy sea with the seven muses became its symbol. The muses stand for the liberal arts and sciences. The rock is their safe workplace and the motto can be (very freely) translated as: They shine amidst the waves’. The 1,400 members and the 80 volunteers of the Zeeuws Genootschap carry Zeeland in their hearts and together they constitute the rock of the muses. The impressive Zeeland culture and history is made accessible both within the province and far beyond by means of the collections (more than 200,000 objects), books, magazines, exhibitions, lectures, concerts, videos and congresses. The Society is the authority on Zeeland’s arts and sciences.

After the great success of our educational project YESC in 2019, the Youth Committee of the Zeeland Society has continued at full throttle to develop a new, contemporary and interactive youth programme: WIJZ. The aim: to cultivate interest and enthusiasm among Zeeland’s youth for the Society’s collection and for Zeeland’s history past and present. The project has been given the name WIJZ (Wetenschap (science), Interactiviteit (interactivity), Jongeren (youth), Zeeland). One of the spearheads is the development of a ‘dating-app’ with which a pupil/student can arrange a ‘date’ with an object from the collection and with other pupils/students who are working on the same subject via the Collection Online ( The app will also contain a number of ‘game elements’ for treasure hunts, for example, and will be ready by the end of 2022. At the same time, a lot of time will be invested in getting students and teachers in the Zeeland education system enthusiastic.

Youth activities are one of the two spearheads of the Zeeland Society’s strategy. The second spearhead is the accelerated digitisation of our collections to create an online museum that can compete in size with the largest in the world and which forms the basis of the youth app.

On behalf of the Hurgronje Family Fund, become a member of the Royal Zeeland Scientific Society and help make Zeeland shine!

Members of the Hurgronje Family Fund can become members of the Zeeland Society free of charge and receive the Zeeland magazine (4 times a year), the two-volume yearbook Archief and a 50% discount on admission to the Zeeuws Museum. They will also receive a discount on attending lectures and purchasing publications. You can also become a digital member. This is the same as the ordinary membership, only you will receive all the Society’s publications as PDFs or eBooks.

With kind regards,
Peter van Druenen, Chairman

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